Korean object markers are simple enough to get into and figure out as a beginner though there are some tricks to them too. The 을 and 를 particles are attached to words to show that it is the object of a sentence.

A simple example of what an object is could be: “I like coffee”, coffee is the object; the thing I am doing something to or in this case liking.

So in Korean, you would say “커피 좋아해” to denote that coffee is the object. In an example like this where the object is obvious and in casual conversation people can drop the 을/를, but that is the basics of it.


Korean Object Markers 을를

When to Use 을 or 를?

Which Korean object markers to use is determined by the words you attach the particle to. Words ending with a consonant use 을, while ones ending in a vowel use 를. It’s simply because of pronunciation; with something ending with a consonant, it’s easier to use 을 than 를 and vice versa.

Similar to how in English we will use a/an depending on if the word following it starts with a vowel or not. For example; “a phone” and “an phone” feels very different to say.


을 Object Particle Examples

침대에 앉아서 책 읽었어요: I sat on my bed and read a book

저는 케이팝 좋아해요: I like K-pop

우리 삼촌은 아빠는 매 지하철을 타요: My uncle takes the subway everyday


를 Object Particle Examples

매일 마셔요: I drink tea every day

박서준 영화 보고 있어요: I’m watching Park Seojoon’s movie

한국어 공부하고 있어요: I’m studying Korean


을/를 Usage for Location

을/를 can also be used as a location marker for when you are talking about a destination. This is used with certain words like 가다 (to go), 뛰다 (to run), 다니다 (to attend), and 내려오다 (to come down). So I’ll quickly show some examples for each!


When you would use 에 versus 를

를 has a different meaning attached to emphasize the purpose of a place (such as school, theater, hospital, etc.). So while “학교에 가다” simply means going to the location (you could be meeting someone there, going for a walk, etc.); using “학교를 가다” tends to mean you’re going to study, take a class, or something related to that location.


을/를 가다 Examples

제 남친는 어제 병원 갔어요: My boyfriend went to hospital yesterday

오랜만에 학교 가요: I’m going to school after a long time


을/를 뛰다 Examples

민호는 제주 해안 뛰다: Minho runs along Jeju’s coast


을/를 다니다 Examples

일주일에 한번은 영어학원 다녀요: I attend an English cram school/academy once a week

어떤 대학교 다녀요?: Which university do you attend?


을/를 내려오다 Examples

급하게 산 내려왔어요: I came down the mountain in a rush

퇴근하고 바로 대전 내려왔어요: I came to Daejeon after work



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