Korean Tongue Twister Games!

15 Korean Tongue Twister Games

Want to test your Korean speaking abilities? or just learn something to show off and impress people a bit? Saying a Korean tongue twister is a fun way to test out your Korean and take it lightheartedly because even native speakers mess up with these so it’s okay if you misspeak or stumble through it a bit!

Using Podcasts to Learn Korean

Using Podcasts to Learn Korean!

Podcasts can make a great resource for learning Korean and practicing your listening no matter what level you are at! Using podcasts to learn Korean is a great option because you can do it while doing chores, menial tasks, on the bus or train, or in many other situations.

Planets and Outer Space in Korean with Hanja

Planets and Outer Space in Korean with Hanja

If you’ve been learning about terms for outer space in Korean you might have noticed 성 pop up multiple times, 성 has Sino-Korean origins and uses the hanja 星 which means a star or planet. You’ll especially see it for planets in our solar system which all, excluding earth, end with 성 and have their own meaning for their names!

Korean Idioms & Expressions

Korean Idioms & Expressions

Knowing some common or interesting Korean idioms is a fun way to take your Korean to the next level! Idioms or 관용구 are phrases that people use to express something more than their literal meaning. You’ll hear and see them everywhere; from TV and movies, music, books, and daily conversation. 

Korean Typing Practice Game

Korean Typing Practice Game!

At least for me typing was something I was really weak at in Korean and took a lot of time to develop. From memorizing spelling, the correct order for typing out double vowel words such as 원, being slow, and just mistyping by not knowing the keyboard layout yet. So I have a favourite resource for Korean typing practice that I really like that I wanted to share with you all!