Vocabulary for Clothes in Korean

Vocabulary for Clothes in Korean

Let’s get into some quick vocab rundown of clothes in Korean. I’ll go through it all “머리부터 발끝까지” head to toe! Also with some terms and verbs to describe clothes, and sentences to tie it all together and help you start putting together some yourself.

감정 feelings & emotions in Korean

감정 Feelings & Emotions in Korean

Let’s go into emotions in Korean and how to describe your feelings. There’s not too much to say about this and I don’t feel like dragging it out and meeting a seo word count… Of course you already know why it’s important to know how to express yourself so let’s just get on with the list.

Korean Dating and Romance Terms

Korean Dating and Romance Terms!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Maybe your partner is Korean, maybe you want to use your partner and subject them to Korean and your study progress or maybe you’re looking to get in the Korean dating scene. These terms, phrases, and words are commonplace and related to romance in Korea, let’s get into it!