You may have noticed 문 come up often when learning about writing or culture in Korean. From 문화 meaning to 문학 they are tied to a hanja of course! The hanja 文 means culture and literature/writing so you will see it in a lot of literature vocab in Korean.
Literature/Writing terms using 文 Hanja:
The majority of the words I could find using the Hanja are more related to literature; writing terms and styles than cultural words, which I found interesting! From types or genres like poems, thesis’, prose, and documents in literature down to sentences and characters.
문예: literature
문맹: illiteracy
문자: letter/character
문장: sentence
예문: example sentence
단문: a short sentence
본문: body of text
영문: English literature
한문: Chinese literature
국문학: Korean literature
문학: literature (novel, poem, play; artistic writing)
문헌: literature (bibliography, references; informational writing)
비문: epigraph
산문: prose
운문: verse/poetry
작문: composition
문법: grammar
문맥: context
상형문자: hieroglyph/pictogram
서문: preface/foreword
안내문: sign/notice
감상문: book report
공문: official document/paper
논문: thesis/dissertation
문서: document/paper
문구점: stationery shop
문어: octopus (lit. writing fish, get it?)
Korean Cultural terms using 文 Hanja:
문화: culture
문명: civilization
문화재: cultural assets
전통문화: traditional culture
문화원: cultural center
대중문화: pop culture (lit. big crowd culture)
다문화가정: multicultural family
문과: liberal arts
주문하다: order (verb)
주문 (注文): order (demand, not arrangement)
주문 (呪文): incantation/spell
They sound similar but have a different beginning Hanja so I just wanted to include that to clarify! 注 Hanja used in order means direct or focused. Meanwhile, the 呪 Hanja used in a spell means a curse or incantation.