If you are feeling that you have a grip on present tense conjugation in Korean the next step is to go into the past! Past tense in Korean might seem tricky at first, but going through a few examples will help a lot. So I’ll introduce the conjugation and we can get started.


How to Make Words in Korean Past Tense

How to Make Words in Korean Past Tense?

When turning an unconjugated word into past tense you add ~ㅆ어요 on the end of your word. The ㅆ takes the place of the bottom of a verb, and depending on the verb the ㅆ brings in a vowel to turn into 았/었.

For a quick overview generally, if a verb stem ends inㅏor ㅗ (such as 다 or 다) then ~았어요 is added.

And with any other vowel, it will end with ~었어요 added on the end to create the past tense.

Now Korean isn’t so clear-cut, so there are some irregular verbs that have their own rules or exceptions. To get into all that a bit smoother I’ll cover different verbs, and how they end with a vowel or consonant to go over each one by one!


Transforming Verbs into Past Tense in Korean

Now that you know the basics of past tense let’s take a look at some different verbs. We’ll run through a bunch of examples of use cases and make them past tense!


~았어요 Rule 1

To start off simple, any verbs with an ㅏ ending only use ~ㅆ어요 because the ㅏ is already there.

다 – 갔어요: went
다 – 쌌어요: was cheap
만나다 – 만났어요: met
다 – 잤어요: slept


~았어요 Rule 2

Next verbs ending with ㅏ or ㅗ with a consonant ending bring in the full ~았어요.

다 – 살았어요: lived
다 – 앉았어요: sat
다 – 알았어요: knew
다 – 좋았어요: was good


Transforming Verbs into Past Tense in Korean; 보다 - 봤어요_ saw_watched

~았어요 Rule 3

Verbs with an ㅗ ending, combine the ㅗ and ~았어요 to create ~왔어요.

다 – 봤어요: saw/watched
다 – 왔어요: came
다 – 쏴어요: shot


~었어요 Rule 1

Every other verb ending with a consonant brings in the full ~었어요.

다 – 먹었어요: ate
다 – 읽었어요: read
다 – 있었어요: was
다 – 없었어요: wasn’t


~었어요 Rule 2

Verbs with an ㅐ, ㅓ, ㅕ ending use ~ㅆ어요.

건너다 – 건넜어요: crossed
보내다 – 보냈어요: sent
꺼내다 – 꺼냈어요: took out


Transforming Verbs into Past Tense in Korean; 주다 - 줬어요_ gave

~었어요 Rule 3

Verbs with an ㅜ ending, combine the ㅜ and ~었어요 to create ~워어요.

배우다 – 배웠어요: learned
다 – 줬어요: gave


~었어요 Rule 4

Verbs with an ㅣ ending, the ㅣand ㅓ from ~었어요 combine to make ㅕ, making it ~였어요.

마시다 – 마셨어요: drank
던지다 – 던졌어요: threw


~었어요 Rule 5

If a verb has an ㅡ ending, lose the ㅡ and just the full ~었어요 is added on the end.

다 – 썼어요: wrote
다 – 컸어요: was big


하다 Rule

Last up is verbs ending with 하다, which changes to 해 to create 했어요.

일하다 – 일했어요: worked
공부하다 – 공부했어요: studied
전화하다 – 전화했어요: called




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