우리 공부합시다
Let's study!

Korean study blog for my help and yours. Korean grammar and vocabulary posts as well as interesting cultural knowledge!

Okay, I feel like Hangul is something I need to make a post about. Even though I’m past the stage of learning it, it’s necessary for the language (of course) and also for following along on my blog! I know romanization is an option but Korean to English is nowhere near a 1 to 1 translation for pronunciation. With characters like ㅋ being romanized as G or K, or ㄹ being in-between an L and R it can get pretty confusing for people pretty quick. So let’s get into it and learn hangul!


I remember really having an issue with sino vs native korean numbers and this is a resource I found that can really help you out if you find yourself in the same position! You can play through 1-100 on both the sino and native korean numbers games for a nice review and test of your skills.




A lot of Korean texting slang has a rooted meaning in the original word, just shortened to make it easier to type. Some originate from Korean itself like which is the most casual way to say yes or yeah in Korean, being reduced down to just ㅇㅇ. Or ᄋᄃ from 어디 (where), ᄆᄎ from 미쳤어 (crazy), etc. By using the most prominent elements of the word to make up the shortened texting version. While others like ㅇㅋ are based on the English okay and ㅂㅂ for bye bye.

Some Korean texting slang is not based around any word though, and more what they visually look like; such as ㅠㅠ which is closed eyes crying, or ;; which looks like little sweat droplets.


Emails are only when I post and a snippit of the post to keep you up-to-date!
