우리 공부합시다
Let's study!

Korean study blog for my help and yours. Korean grammar and vocabulary posts as well as interesting cultural knowledge!

Back again with another quiz game for everyone! This time for beginner Korean learners it’s a game to help you memorize the Korean writing system- Hangul. Now this does work with Romanization (aka; converting one alphabet into another) and has no audio so it doesn’t help with memorizing the sounds and getting down how to speak Korean but it’s a great starting resource and an easy Hangul practice game to get into!


Hangul Study Game


Expanding on past my Batchim post here, let’s get into why sometimes ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ pronunciation can sound like their more stressed heavier forms ㄲ/ㄸ/ㅃ depending on the word. It might seem not very clear but we can break it down and understand it much better.


ㄱㄷㅂ Pronunciation; Sometimes Sounds Like ㄲㄸㅃ 1

Why Can ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ Sometimes Sound Like ㄲ/ㄸ/ㅃ?

Simply put you’ll typically find the ㄱ/ㄷ/ㅂ pronunciation more stressed when they are preceded by or right after another consonant; except ㄴ/ㄹ/ㅁ/ㅇ/ㅎ. If you’ve been practicing speaking for a while you may notice you have picked up on this naturally with some common words.


Let’s get into a quick Korean body vocab list from 머리부터 발끝까지 head to toe! This is expanding out on looks and appearance in Korean like my post with age, weight, hair, eye color, etc. over here. Again I’ll include some sentences in Korean with the new vocab to help you start putting some together yourself. So let’s start with body parts in Korean:


: body
신체: body (more formal, Sino-Korean (身體) 몸 which is native)
: back/behind
: front





Korean object markers are simple enough to get into and figure out as a beginner though there are some tricks to them too. The 을 and 를 particles are attached to words to show that it is the object of a sentence.

A simple example of what an object is could be: “I like coffee”, coffee is the object; the thing I am doing something to or in this case liking.

So in Korean, you would say “커피 좋아해” to denote that coffee is the object. In an example like this where the object is obvious and in casual conversation people can drop the 을/를, but that is the basics of it.


Korean Object Markers 을를


All About Korean New Year

Goodbye to 2023 and hello to 2024! 2023 was quite eventful for me, I started Koreanling and I’m really so happy and thankful to see how much it has grown in under a year; thank you all for your support! I hope 2023 has been a good year for you and that 2024 can be even better.

In South Korea the focus for the Lunar New Year is family. With everyone gathering together, paying respects to the elders and ancestors, and of course eating good food! For 2024 the Lunar New Year is Feb. 10 but people gather for the day before and after as well to make it a 3 day celebration.


All About Korean New Year - fireworks


Korean Winter Vocab

Now we’re in prime winter time! Cozying up by the fire with hot chocolate, going ice skating, making snowmen, and more. Where I am this winter there’s not as much snow as I’m used to so it doesn’t truly feel like winter yet haha. Anyway, here is some nice Korean winter vocab to get you ready for the season!


Korean Winter Vocab skating

겨울: winter
: snow
눈송이: snowflake
눈덩이: snowball


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