Wanted to bring in more grammar posts and I think one of the best things starting out is learning some beginner Korean conjunction! Learning conjunctions like how to say ‘and’ in Korean is the easiest way to take your sentences and make them more natural and flow better!


With And in Korean; Starting Conjunctions

And in Korean


그리고 is probably the first thing you think of when you try to say and in Korean. It can be used at the beginning of a sentence or to conjoin two things together; let’s get into some quick examples!

어제는 제가 옷을 샀어요. 그리고 공원에 갔었어요: Yesterday I bought clothes. And I went to the park

언니가 고양이 그리고 개 있어요: My older sister has a cat and dog
저는 영어 그리고 한국어 해요: I speak English and Korean



하고 is just used when linking nouns together:

오빠가 고양이하고 개 있어요: My older brother has a cat and dog
저는 영어하고 한국어 해요: I speak English and Korean


With And in Korean; Starting Conjunctions (2)


When it’s just ~고 it is used to link verbs and adjectives together like this:

어제는 제가 옷을 샀 운동했어요: I bought shoes and exercised yesterday
언니는 공부할 거 일할 거예요: My older sister will study and will work
저는 밥을 먹 갈 거예요: I’ll eat and go
울고 싶지 않아: I don’t want to cry


~과 / 와

과 / 와 are both used for linking nouns.

~와 nouns ending with a vowel
~과 nouns ending with a consonant

나는 친구 갔어요: I went with my friend
할머니 할아버지는 토마토를 싫어요: Grandma and grandpa hate tomatoes
저는 선생님 함께 공부했어요: I studied with my teacher



Used with nouns, more spoken than written, less formal

저는 사과 바나나를 먹어요: I eat apples and bananas


With in Korean

All of the above particles for ‘and’ in Korean can also mean with depending on the context, but there are specific words that just mean ‘with’. If there are nouns the above particles have to be used but if there are none then 같이 and 함께 becomes like ‘together’

같이 most common
함께 more formal

우리는 함께 먹었어요: We ate together
저는 친구 같이 갔어요: I went with my friend



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