It’s time for another focused vocab list. This time focusing on animals. From pets to farms, zoos, forests, and skies I have got you covered for animals in Korean!
So let’s get into it~
Pets in Korean
고양이: cat
새끼고양이: kitten
개: dog
강아지: puppy
토끼: rabbit
햄스터: hamster
기니피그: guinea pig
물고기: fish (lit. water meat – but counterintuitive to their name; 물고기 is all kinds of fish, and 생선 is edible fish (sort of like how cow: the animal, but beef: cow meat))
금붕어: goldfish
새: bird
앵무새: parrot
뱀: snake
도마뱀: lizard
Farm Animals
말: horse
조랑말: pony
소: cow
쥐: mouse
돼지: pig
염소: goat
양: sheep
나비: butterfly
닭: chicken
암탉: hen
수탉: rooster
칠면조: turkey
Birds in Korean
앵무새: parrot
까치: magpie
참새: sparrow
까마귀: crow
독수리: vulture
매: falcon
타조: ostrich
두루미: crane
비둘기: dove
백조: swan
갈매기: gull
오리: duck
거위: goose
펭귄: penguin
Forest Animals
곰: bear
들소: bison
늑대: wolf
사슴: deer
너구리: raccoon
여우: fox
산토끼: hare
오소리: badger
다람쥐: squirrel
뱀: snake
도마뱀: lizard
Zoo Animals
얼룩말: zebra
코끼리: elephant
기린: giraffe
낙타: camel
고릴라: gorilla
원숭이: monkey
침팬지: chimpanzee
치타: cheetah
표범: leopard
호랑이: tiger
사자: lion
하마: hippo
황소: ox
코뿔소: rhinoceros
판다: panda
코알라: koala
캥거루: kangaroo
Aquatic Animals in Korean
게: crab
바닷가재: lobster
돌고래: dolphin
상어: shark
고래: whale
거북: turtle
오징어: squid
문어: octopus
장어: eel
가오리: stingray
악어: crocodile
개구리: frog
수달: otter
물개: seal
물고기: fish
잉어: carp
고등어: mackerel