Korean Winter Vocab

Korean Winter Vocab

Now we’re in prime winter time! Cozying up by the fire with hot chocolate, going ice skating, making snowmen, and more. Where I am winter there’s not as much snow as I’m used to so it doesn’t truly feel like winter yet haha. Anyway, here is some nice Korean winter vocab to get you ready for the season!

Planets and Outer Space in Korean with Hanja

Planets and Outer Space in Korean with Hanja

If you’ve been learning about terms for outer space in Korean you might have noticed 성 pop up multiple times, 성 has Sino-Korean origins and uses the hanja 星 which means a star or planet. You’ll especially see it for planets in our solar system which all, excluding earth, end with 성 and have their own meaning for their names!

Korean Idioms & Expressions

Korean Idioms & Expressions

Knowing some common or interesting Korean idioms is a fun way to take your Korean to the next level! Idioms or 관용구 are phrases that people use to express something more than their literal meaning. You’ll hear and see them everywhere; from TV and movies, music, books, and daily conversation. 

Halloween in Korea-

Halloween in Korea

In the west and many English countries Halloween is a fun holiday (though not usually recognized with time off from school or work) for kids and adults to eat candy, dress up, watch spooky movies and more. So in the spirit of Halloween this post is dedicated to Halloween in Korea, Koreas own spooks, and some vocab to go along with the season!