우리 공부합시다
Let's study!

Korean study blog for my help and yours. Korean grammar and vocabulary posts as well as interesting cultural knowledge!

Spring in Korea with its beautiful landscape brings flowers, warmer days, cherry blossoms, and many beautiful things! But there’s something to watch out for too; Korean fine dust can ruin your plans and the beautiful sky, even with warnings from officials to limit time outside. I talked a little bit about 미세 먼지, or fine dust, in my last post about Korean weather vocab and now today since we are right in the season I want to get more into it!


What is Korean fine dust or 미세 먼지 - smog

Where Does the Korean Fine Dust Come From?

미세 먼지 is translated literally as fine (미세) dust (먼지) but if you have heard about it before you may have seen it referred to as yellow dust or Asian dust. 미세 먼지 is brought over from the northern area of China and the dry areas of Mongolia which spread over Korea and Japan. (more…)

I’ve mentioned the 4 seasons and broken down the traditional Korean seasonal calendar but have yet to talk about weather vocab in Korean! Learning how to talk about the weather helps you advance within regular conversation and talk about daily life with Koreans, so it’s important to at least learn the basics.


Weather Vocab in Korean

What is the Weather like in South Korea?


Mastering Korean future tense, along with the other tenses, is one of the first things you probably really want to get into when you’re starting out with Korean! After all, it can take your sentences from very basic to more fully communicating and expressing yourself. Luckily it isn’t that hard to get started with the future tense ~ㄹ/을 거예요 and speaking about the future.


Korean Conjugation; Master Korean Future Tense


The 생 in 인생 meaning comes from the Hanja which meaning is tied to life and living. You’ll find 생 in a lot of words; from a social life, birth, and even over to students!


Sino Korean Vocab; The 생 in 인생 Meaning

Again, I want to say don’t be scared off by Hanja and think you have to start memorizing Chinese characters along with Korean! I like making these lists so we can gain more insight and intuition in Korean, just knowing that 생 can be tied to life and living can help you guess what new words may mean. Just like in English when you hear “un-something” you know it means the opposite, or “anti-something” you know that it is against or opposing.

Plus I find it fun sometimes to find the original meaning/origin of a word like 외국인 directly meaning “external country person” in the original Hanja. Anyway, let’s get into the Vocab!


Learning as a kid would has become a more popular option for people I think, and it makes sense. Learn Korean like a child as the natives learned themselves and you can take advantage of simple media like children’s books, shows, movies, and more to progress with your Korean and strengthen your listening and reading skills!

Many children’s media is easily accessible too, with a lot of Korean kids shows officially uploaded to YouTube for free so you don’t have to hunt down resources or pay for a specific subscription or platform.


Learn Korean like a Child with Korean Children's Shows! 2


Romance season is here again so here is a little run down on Korean Valentine’s Day and associated dates with some cute and romantic vocab to win some hearts! Valentine’s Day in Korea is a bit different than what you may be used to so I’ll explain a bit too. Just quick I want to say a happy 1 year to koreanling as well~ Thank you for joining me on this; connecting and learning alongside me!


How do People Celebrate Korean Valentine's Day (+ Bonus Vocab & Phrases) (1)

How Do They Celebrate Valentine’s Day in Korea?

In Korea, Valentine’s is structured a bit interestingly and split into 2 parts. On Feb. 14th, it’s typical for women to give chocolate to their male partner or crush on Valentine’s Day. Next on White Day, a month later (March 14th), the men who received chocolates or gifts are supposed to give the women a gift.



Emails are only when I post and a snippit of the post to keep you up-to-date!
