Today let’s get a bit into vocabulary for cooking in Korean; along with food, ingredients, verbs for taste, popular foods, and more. Food is always a big part of culture, and Korea has its own unique food that’s gaining more and more popularity outside of the country.

Cooking is a necessary skill, but it is also a fun hobby and way to connect with others by sharing recipes or just cooking for friends and family. Gardening can take it to the next level, so check out my post for gardening vocabulary over here!


Food & Cooking in Korean Vocab List

요리: cooking
: frying pan
소테팬: saute pan
냄비: pot
도마: cutting board
주전자: kettle
돌솥: stone pot
: wok

: knife
계량스푼: measuring spoon
계량 컵: measuring cup
밥주걱: rice paddle
가위: scissors
포크: fork
숟가락: spoon
젓가락: chopsticks

자르다: to cut
썰다: to slice
다지다: to finely chop/mince
깨다: to crack

넣다: to add
떨어뜨리다: to drop
끓이다: to boil
찌다: to steam
씻다: to wash

굽다: to roast/grill
튀기다: to fry
볶다: to stir fry
부치다: to griddle

버무리다: to mix
무치다: add seasoning and mix
간을 맞추다: to season to taste
뿌리다: to sprinkle
재우다: to marinate
바르다: to spread

반죽하다: to knead
밀어서 펴다: to roll out
녹이다: to melt


어제 제 친구와 함께 요리를 했어요: I cooked with my friend yesterday



Ingredients for Cooking in Korean

Ingredients for Cooking in Korean

식초: vinegar
간장: soy sauce
기름: oil
식용유: cooking oil
참기름: sesame oil
밀가루: flour
베이킹소다: baking soda
베이킹파우더: baking powder
버터: butter
치즈: cheese
: rice
: bread
파스타: pasta
소금: salt
후추: black pepper
설탕: sugar
케첩: ketchup
마요네즈: mayo
핫 소스: hot sauce
고춧가루: chili powder
고추장: chili pepper paste


나는 파스타를 자주 먹어요: I eat pasta often
나는 모든 음식에 핫 소스넣어요: I add hot sauce to every food



생강: ginger
인삼: ginseng
양파: onion
: scallion
오이: cucumber
당근: carrot
후추: pepper
고추: red pepper
마늘: garlic
: radish
상추: lettuce
감자: potato
고구마: sweet potato
버섯: mushroom
양배추: cabbage
콩나물: bean sprouts
해초: seaweed
옥수수: corn


Food & Cooking in Korean Vocab List - Fruits


오렌지: orange
: mandarin/tangerine
한라봉: Jeju orange
망고: mango
바나나: banana
레몬: lemon
멜론: melon
체리: cherry
파인애플: pineapple
포도: grape
사과: apple
복숭아: peach
수박: watermelon
석류: pomegranate
: persimmon
딸기: strawberry
자두: plum
산딸기: raspberry



닭고기: chicken
소고기: beef
: duck
생선: fish
스테이크: steak
베이컨: bacon
: ham
돼지고기: pork
: pork belly
불고기: bulgogi (grilled thin marinated slices of beef)
갈비: galbi (grilled marinated ribs)


Cooking in Korean Vocab List - Popular Korean Dishes

Popular Korean Dishes

A lot of Korean popular dishes include marinated meat, heart-warming stews/soups, spicy and sweet snacks, pickled side dishes, and more! While Korean food is most popularly spicy, no matter if you can handle it or not I’m sure you can find a dish or two you would love~


흰밥: white rice
잡곡밥: multigrain rice
볶음밥: fried rice
해물 볶음밥: seafood fried rice
김밥:  kimbap (seaweed-wrapped rice rolls)
비빔밥: bibimbap (rice mixed with vegetables and spicy sauce)

김치찌개: kimchi stew
된장찌개: fermented soybean paste stew
부대찌개: army base stew (typically includes sausage, spam, kimchi, ramen, tofu, tteok, cheese, and more)

삼계탕: chicken ginseng soup
갈비탕: short ribs soup
미역국: seaweed soup (specially eaten on birthdays!)

라면: instant noodles (ramen/ramyeon)
짜장면: Chinese black bean noodles
냉면: cold noodles
물냉면: cold noodle soup
짬뽕: jjamppong (seafood noodle soup)

불고기: bulgogi (grilled thin marinated slices of beef)
갈비: galbi (grilled marinated ribs)
삼겹살: grilled pork belly
보쌈: pork wraps (wrapped in lettuce or a type of leaf potentially with some sauce and extra toppings)
만두: dumplings
떡볶이: tteokbokki (rice cakes in sweet spicy chili sauce)
: Korean pancakes (pancakes mixed with savory ingredients like meat, seafood, or veggies)


Korean Banchan

Banchan are Side dishes that are apart of every meal. These dishes are smaller and served alongside rice and the main meat dish(es). You’ll get this as small little dishes in a restaurant or a tray with separate sections for each dish. Most popular is kimchi of course but here are a few more!

김치: kimchi
계란말이: rolled omelette
숙주나물: bean sprouts
오이무침: cucumber salad
무생채: radish salad
감자 조림: braised potatoes
두부조림: braised tofu
오징어채무침: shredded squid
단무지: pickled radish


Describing Taste

뜨거운​​: hot (temperature-wise)
매운: spicy
달콤한: sweet
짭짤한: savory
: bitter
: sour
즙 많은: juicy
쫄깃해요: chewy
맛있는: delicious
신선한: fresh
시원한: refreshing
건강한: healthy
느끼한: greasy




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