Top Beginner Korean Mistakes!

Top Beginner Korean Mistakes!

When you are just starting out there are a lot of different beginner Korean mistakes that can catch you! Some of these mistakes can limit your learning and slow you down or make it harder and others can make it hard for you to communicate in Korean clearly. 

Weather Vocab in Korean

Weather Vocab in Korean

I’ve mentioned the 4 seasons and broken down the traditional Korean seasonal calendar but have yet to talk about weather vocab in Korean! Learning how to talk about the weather helps you advance within regular conversation, and talking about daily life with Koreans so it’s important to at least learn the basics.

Korean Winter Vocab

Korean Winter Vocab

Now we’re in prime winter time! Cozying up by the fire with hot chocolate, going ice skating, making snowmen, and more. Where I am winter there’s not as much snow as I’m used to so it doesn’t truly feel like winter yet haha. Anyway, here is some nice Korean winter vocab to get you ready for the season!

Planets and Outer Space in Korean with Hanja

Planets and Outer Space in Korean with Hanja

If you’ve been learning about terms for outer space in Korean you might have noticed 성 pop up multiple times, 성 has Sino-Korean origins and uses the hanja 星 which means a star or planet. You’ll especially see it for planets in our solar system which all, excluding earth, end with 성 and have their own meaning for their names!